Ive got a Lutron Homeworks 4 Processor that is c. 15 years old, it has failed where there has been a power outage to the processor and the lithium battery on the PCB has not been able to provide power to retain the processors memory. Apparently this is a common issue with the systems.
I need to de solder the battery from the PCB and the solder a new battery in its place.
The battery spec is : https://www.manomano.co.uk/catalogue/standard-battery/lithium-battery-sl360-pr-aa-36v-24ah-pr-7402307?model_id=7402307
Below ive attached some photos of the PCB from both sides showing the battery etc.
Ive never undertaken something like this before and was looking for some tips / pointers, my main concern is damaging the PCB and heating the battery past its 100C temp limit whilst soldering.
Here are the photos: