Essentially, I just need to send some data to the microcontroller via USB, then the microprocessor decodes the data and drives an LED light strip, which runs at 5V. I'm having trouble finding the right microcontroller for the job.
The microcontroller just needs to have 2 serial in ports for USB communication, two serial out ports for communication with the LED strip, and be able to operate at 5V. It seems unnecessary to have a dedicated IC for USB communication when all I need is a serial COM port set up.
For example, here is the snippet of Arduino code that writes a byte to the LPD8806 strip:
void write8(uint8_t d) {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) {
if (d & _BV(7-i))
digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW);
To latch the data you send zeros to the strip.