Hello I am using PIC18F26K83 and I need to use ADC module in it, in order to measure voltage value of a spesific pin. MCU clock frequency is 8 MHz. This PIC has 12-bit ADC inside of it. So my question is: How should I select the ADC clock frequency. I have seen that people say acquisition time must be at least 1.6 us.2 to 6 us is preferred. So I have 8 MHz system clock. Which makes 0.125 us. Fortunately I can divide this down. Now I have 2 questions.
- I am not sure but I think for my MCU it takes 4 clock cycles for 1 operation. Should I consider this while I am trying to calculate the Tac? If yes then without any division period will be 0.5 us instead of 0.125. Then I can divide my MCU clock by 8 and I will get 4 us Tac. Does it sound correct?
- In the datasheet there is a picture like this:
according to this image if I want to divide my Fosc by 8 I need to set this register to: 0b00000010 right? and 0b00000011 for dividing 16 and it goes like this. Is it the correct pattern? I just want to be sure. Thanks beforehand.