So I'm currently working on a project where I need an IR camera with two IR Leds attached to it. The camera looks something like this: These LEDS are powered by the camera board an run on 3V with up to 0.3A per LED. Because these LEDS get very hot over time I only want them on power when I really need them. To do this I bought this logic level Mosfet: IPB048N15N5LFATMA1 by Infineon Technologies AG which should have a gate threshhold voltage of 3.3V according to the datasheet.
But when I connect the wires to the mosfet, the LED won't turn on. The Drain-Gate Voltage is About 2,7V, the Gate-Source Voltage at About 3,3V and the Drain-Source at 0. The boards are wired up like this: (sorry for the bad wiring diagramm, never worked by Fritzing or something like this)
I really suck at stuff like this especially when transistors or mosfets are involved, so any help is appreciated. Thank you!