I have PCBs with SMT nuts (SMTSO2060MTJ) which has been assembled onto a PCB - the nut has kapton tape on top to allow easy pickup for assembly.
However, removing the kapton post reflow is proving very time consuming. We have a few thousand to remove. Currently, we are using a pointy edge of a needlenose tweezer, and a kind of angled stabbing motion to spear the tape - when this works, it allows perhaps 20 to be removed before needing to remove the tapes from the tweezers. However, it's not fast. We have also tried a modified "fishhook" barb but this ripped the kapton and it wouldn't come off in one piece.
How can we do this faster/what's a better method? I have wondered if we might be able to blow them off with compressed air from the back side but the tape is quite sticky.