We are making a product -a warning light- with 220V rated voltage. The product has a non isolated offline buck regulator. The 220V part can be accessed without the use of a special tool (there is a "turn to open" type cover). Moreover, there are parts on the same side of mains voltage which are used for adjustment of unit (buttons and trimpots).
I think that this product is unsafe, therefore not compliant to LVD. I want to persuade my boss that the design needs to be changed for compliance.
1) Are my concerns rightful?
2) Is there a standard/document which is generally about electrical safety in electronic products, which will solidly support my concerns:
- mains voltage parts should not be accessible to end user
- non isolated regulator creates a safety risk
Or let's ask with a different perspective; let's say that someone is checking the product for CE compliance. How will he decide that the product is unsafe? Will he rely on a document or just say "hey this is obviously wrong, someone can get shocked"?