I'm trying to repair an old PC Engine game console and one of the missing components is a capacitor that looks just like a resistor. I'm not familiar with these and don't know how to read the colour bands or what a suitable modern equivalent might be. It's C137 in the picture, can anyone help? Thanks.
3\$\begingroup\$ +1 for a decent photo. I can't help with the markings. \$\endgroup\$– TransistorCommented Jul 7, 2019 at 9:36
2\$\begingroup\$ you sure it is a capacitor? there could be a mod record (somewhere) stating "C137 to be fitted with a 1k resistor, MELF". Where possible modifications will make use of available pads as it provides a more resilient connection and less mod time - NOTE: I am not saying that in this instance it is a 1k resistor, this was just a example \$\endgroup\$– user16222Commented Jul 7, 2019 at 9:40
1\$\begingroup\$ Maybe it is just the same code like with resistors? 22 * 10^2 = 2.2nF? \$\endgroup\$– jusacaCommented Jul 7, 2019 at 9:43
2\$\begingroup\$ C121 and 125 look like a capacitors, C137 looks so much like a MELF resistor, so much like the other Rs next to it, it's difficult to imagine it to be anything else. \$\endgroup\$– Neil_UKCommented Jul 7, 2019 at 9:44
\$\begingroup\$ I don't believe it's a resistor from multi-meter testing, all the R components in the same row give a resistance reading. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to measure capacitance. In case anyone was wondering, there are 2 of these on the motherboard so I'm able to test the one that's not missing. \$\endgroup\$– PrateekCommented Jul 7, 2019 at 9:50
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2 Answers
Based on the color code (assuming all three bands are red and assuming it's a cap from the designator on the PCB), that's a 2.2nF MELF capacitor.
See also the photo in this question which shows some similar leaded parts.
The similarity of body color to the resistors is a bit disconcerting though, I suspect it might not actually be a capacitor, but there is no way to be sure without more information (or by measuring a good one).
\$\begingroup\$ It's really hard to tell if it's red red red or red red brown, but I agree it's more of a concern whether it's actually a capacitor. I think I might break down and buy a LCR meter as I'm getting nowhere with my basic multimeter. \$\endgroup\$– PrateekCommented Jul 7, 2019 at 11:20
1\$\begingroup\$ @Prateek Desoldering it and trying to measure resistance should help. If it's still intact, and it's a capacitor, it will show open-circuit. If it's a resistor it'll show what its proper value is. Even using an LCR meter might not work with it still all connected in the circuit like that. \$\endgroup\$– HearthCommented Jul 7, 2019 at 13:16
\$\begingroup\$ I managed to get hold of a capacitance meter and the reading was 300pF. My assumption was that the bands are read from large to small which would indicate 220pF so it's not far off. \$\endgroup\$– PrateekCommented Jul 9, 2019 at 7:01
\$\begingroup\$ Yes, that's definitely a possibility. I might try my luck with a 300 or 330 ceramic as a replacement. \$\endgroup\$– PrateekCommented Jul 9, 2019 at 7:10