

I have an impedance analyzer that uses the below circuit:

Impedance Analyzer Circuit


One can measure impedance of the device under test (DUT) by using the following formulas:

Z_load = Z_ref * (V_C1 - V_C2) / V_C2

One can measure the phase by comparing the phase difference between V_C1 and V_C2.

Let's say positive phase is when V_C2 lags V_C1.


How does one get from this information/formulas to be able to calculate resistance and reactance of the load?

Does one need to make assumptions about the load? For example, in this article they assume series RC or RL, or parallel RC or RL circuits.


1 Answer 1


If you know the magnitude, Z, and phase angle, Theta, of an impedance, then the reactance and resistance can be calculated as follows:

 reactance = Z*sin(theta)

 resistance = Z*cos(Theta)

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