Consider below JK flip flop circuit and truth table:
I was guessing how Qn+1 column in truth table is calculated.
Interpretation 1
One text book says:
Consider the case J=1, K=0, Qn=0, Qn'=1, line 5 in truth table.
- K=0 forces output of G4=1.
- All inputs (J, CLK, Qn') of G3 are 1 which makes output of G3 to 0.
- G3 output is fed to G1 input. This forces output of G1, Q(n+1) to 1.
- This (output of G1) is fed to input of G2 along with output of G4, both of which are 1 (from point 1 and 3). Hence output of G2, Q'(n+1) will be 0.
So in this case output is correctly Q(n+1)=1, Q'(n+1)=0, which is correctly a Set behavior.
Interpretation 2
I was guessing why it doesnt behave like this:
- K=0 forces output of G4=1.
- Qn=0 which is fed to G2. This forces output of G2, Q'(n+1) to 1.
- Q'(n+1)=1 which is fed to G3.
- All inputs (J, CLK, Qn') of G3 are 1 which makes output of G3 to 0.
- This output of G3 is fed to G1, which forces output of G1, Q(n+1) to 1.
So in this case both Q(n+1) and Q'(n+1) becomes 1, which is invalid.
Why it doesnt behave like interpretation 2 and give invalid state?