Please see picture.
- 2.54mm pin pitch.
- 8 pins, 8 'ways'.
So, "1x8" I think is the right way to state it?
I am trying to find a connector / header / whatever-name-is-correct to change direction 90 degrees in the vertical direction rather than on the board-plane direction like is commonly seen and easily found by searching for 90 deg headers.
I have searched using many search terms including 'upstand' 'vertical' '90 deg' 'board to board' and more that seemed like 'maybes'. Scrolling through many hundreds of pictures with no luck, so am desperate now and posting here.
I have seen board to board connectors like what I want in older electronics (a TV set, an ancient copier) though the ones I saw did not have a plastic housing at the pin end, only at the 'ways' end, and those were both 16 or more pins not 8 like I need.
Please tell me the correct name for such a connector, if they exist?