I am starting my EE degree. I must purchase a myDAQ and a kit. The kit lists many logic ICs and I have most of them, but some of what I have are 74S instead of 74LS series.
Will the extra power draw on the 74S ICs cause issues with the myDAQ?
or do I need to bite the bullet and buy the parts?
(on digikey, I am NOT paying their markup on their stupid kit).
The parts kit consists of things like or, and, xor etc.... gates and can be found here: https://www.studica.com/us/en/NI-Hardware-Only/und-student-ni-mydaq-bundle-ee202-electric-lab/796087.html
Edit In case anyone else runs into this in the future, it turns out not to matter for the UND EE201L course. We had minimal fan-out and most of the labs were just to use specified inputs to create specified outputs and make a led blink/turn on/ turn off. There were no high speed requirements and I wasn't driving high current loads, it was just an intro to logic gates and how to build circuits with them so I doubt it would have been an issue to use the 74S parts instead of the 74LS parts. It was a good learning experience though and the myDAQ is a decent tool to have in my tool box since I don't own a quality function generator (yet). Just in case, I ran power from my bench top power supply instead of the myDAQ