I have background in software but this time I need to build a circuit for scaling a signal from 15 to -15 VDC. At college I took some subjects on Electrical topics so I have read to remember, after that I finished with the next design:
I selected a Rail to Rail Opamp taking as reference the input voltage, slew rate and GBW = 1.1 MHz, my signals to amplify are square waves of maximum 1 KHz, the design is based on the next assumptions:
1) Voltage follower to match impedance.
2) Amplifier stage with G = 0.5 and I have added a capacitor of 180 pF to act as a low pass filter with cut frequency of around 177 Khz with this I have bandwidth to pass the enough harmonics for square waves and filter high frequencies.
3) Inverter again the signal.
However I am aware that stability is important when we work with Opamps but I don't remember how to interpret a bode plot. For this analysis I cut the amplifier portion of the design and got the bode plot without the capacitor, normal configuration for an inverting amplifier:
I got the next bode plot:
When I plot the response with the capacitor I got something different:
My questions are the next:
Is my procedure of only cutting the middle part of the design to analyze the signal ok? I am assuming that the other 2 circuits are stable due the gain is 1.
Is my circuit stable and suitable for my purposes?
Sorry if these are basic questions but Electrical Engineering is not my best skill, I hope you can help me to solve my doubts.