I have already made a diagram using a motor controller.
The details of the actuators are:
- Input voltage: 12VDC
- Max Load: 750N(168.607lbs)
- Stroke Length: 16 inch
- Travel Speed: 12mm/s
- Duty Cyle: 25%.
Could you please check if it is ok?
Some of my concerns are:
Be sure if the feed of 12 volts for the motors, and 5 volts for Arduino are correct and can live together as shown.
Be sure if the wiring for the Arduino, driver and motors is correct since it looks kind of simple.
I want to know if this is the natural approach by doing it with a voltage regulator to feed the Arduino and with 12V 10A power supply to feed the motors, or if there are other, better options to make the circuit feed only using one power supply (12V, 10A).
MDD10 Datasheet Link: https://www.robotshop.com/media/files/content/c/cyt/pdf/cytron-10a-7-30v-dual-channel-dc-motor-driver-shield-datasheet.pdf
I have increased power supply to 13A, also changed the linear voltage regulator (7805) to a switching voltage regulator (OKI-78SR-5), what do you think about this approach?
Or I should try with the 12V DC Vin of Arduino(I understand that it works with a linear voltage regulator)? Being this option, it could be maybe with a voltage pre-regulation stage(from 12V to 9V for example) or maybe connecting directly to the jack.
Diagram3 Thanks, Best Regards.
I'm adding a fourth diagram..
The orange color is used to represent a heavy wire which goes from the 12v power supply to the ground of the motor driver, from the ground of the motor driver goes a normal cable to the arduino ground, and from the arduino ground a normal cable to C2 then to the ground of the voltage regulator then to C1.
This is to avoid noise caused by the motor driver to the arduino and the voltage regulator.