This is the first time I've ever designed a power PCB/ a PCB that needed to take a high current, I'm looking to check that I'm doing this right and for any advice on how to improve? details below.
I'm using an arduino to control a 300W film heater in a PID loop kind of thing, and using a MOSFET to switch the high voltage which the arduino can't supply.
Given that it's a 24V supply and the heater is 300W, this trace needs to support 12.5 amps of current. If I have a PCB with 1oz/ft^2 copper thickness, this means a pretty manageable 5mm ish trace width - I narrowed the trace going into the MOSFET terminals because otherwise it wouldn't fit - is this going to be a problem? Image below:
Edit: The MOSFET I'm using is the IRLB8743PbF, and this is the circuit schematic: