Leaving the package and the resulting thermal characteristics aside, do diodes with the same name from different manufacturers have the same characteristics?
I would think they should, but when comparing a BAT54 from Diodes and NXP in LTSpice, I get different results.
NXP BAT54, SPICE model under "Documentation"
Diodes BAT54, SPICE model listed under "BAT54(Z)"
I simply put the diode in a DC sweep circuit from 0-2V and measured the forwardvoltage and -current.
What I got was:
Diodes BAT54: 200mV@1mA ; 254mV@5mA ; 287mV@10mA
NXP BAT54: 225mV@1mA ; 278mV@5mA ; 309mV@10mA
Is one model more accurate than the other? Or did I mess something up? The Diodes file is a .model, the NXP is a .subckt with an additional resistor.
I copied the spice files (NXP_BAT54.prm and Diodes_BAT54.txt) into the folder with the LTspice circuit, added a standard Schottky, renamed it to BAT54, set the Prefix to D / X and added the files with a ".lib NXP_BAT54.prm" command.
When I put both curves on top of each other, you see the difference: