I want to build a simple and discrete circuit (without any integrated circuits) which puts out a square wave (50:50 duty cycle) with N pulses (rising edges)?
For example for N=4 the output should look like this:
The time of one period (from rising edge to rising edge) might be in the range of 10 - 100 ms.
Any ideas how to achieve this?
I thought on using a capacitor, which charges and puts out a square wave and another capacitor which "enables" (AND gate?) the signal and is sized the way that it enables as long as 4 pulses take. But I've no idea if this is even possible ...
Here are some more details:
- The circuit should be discrete: using only transistors, resistors, capacitors (no "complex" devices/ICs)
- The N is fixed, meaning that there is a N=4 circuit which generates 4 pulses on button press
- "... good old dialphone's mechanical approach" - I've looked it up and this is what I want but not mechanically but electronically
- "What is the maximum number of pulses you want to create, and how do you want to set the count?" N ranges from 1 to 9 and the circuit is built for N, so it is not variable.