I'm currently working on making a battery I salvaged from a mowing robot usable. It doesn't have a datasheet or anything, since it was made specifically for the robot and wasn't intended for consumers. That's why I can only use measurements and the sticker on the front to get any data like voltage or capacity. I get most things on this sticker, 2 of them however, I don't understand the meaning of.
First, in the same line that gives me Voltage and Capacity, there is a seemingly random number. Does anyone know what it means? Probably nothing actually concerning the technical stats of the battery, but I just want to make sure.
18.5V / 2.1 Ah / 38.85 WH 1546
Then there is the thing I can only assume is the name of the battery: 5INR 19/66 Rechargable Lithium-Ion Battery. I know it might just be a name, but INR for example, specifies the type of said battery as a lithium manganese nickel battery. I don't know if the numbers mean anything, but again, I just want to make sure.
Here's the entire thing. https://www.trgo-agencija.hr/baterija-automower-husqvarna-105-305-586-57-62-01.html