I have replicated the li-po battery charger with the famous TP4056 , the protector DW01A and the mosfets FS8205A... exactly like the comertial board.
I design a board that contains this circuit (and MCU, sensors linear regulators etc... all conected to "OUT+/OUT-"), so when the user charges the battery, he can still use the product.
In the comertial board they solder the thermal pad of the TP4056 to the VIN+ ( ??????? not like the datasheet recommends) What happens to me is that i have solder it to GND (like the datasheet recomends)...I don't know if is for this or not but my battery charger circuit is salowing 1.6mA from the batteries all the time (not in charging periods)...what is super high...
Also if i disconect the R5 resistor, the current consumption decreases .... so i supose that the DW01A is consuming a lot ...and i dont know why
Anyone of you experiment so much current consumption on this devices???