My nephew and I have been working on a circuit that uses +/- 4.5V. Up until now we have been using 2 3-AAA battery holders to supply each leg and now wish to move to mains power.
My question is, discounting the more unusual topographies(auto transformers, cap dividers), is it safe to assume that 2 2-prong 5V(12V) power supplies are isolated from each, and therefore I can use 2 positive regulators to regulate the output. As noted in some of the comments, I have metered inside/outside of the barrel to each prong, with all of them showing open.
I know I can use 2 separate taps from a transformer for this.
In the past I've used 2 supplies like this in a audio application(sans regulators), and it worked fine.
If it comes down to it, I can dig out a multi-tap transformer(not a center-tap) and use that, but that's a lot of work, and the result is much heavier, hotter and less efficient compared to using 2 wall-warts.
And as far as I know, using an inverted buck DC/DC still requires a negative regulator.