I was trying to solve the following circuit that has a nonlinear component:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
B is the nonlinear component with the following characteristic:
$$ i = \begin{cases} 3\cdot (v-3)^2 +1, & v \geq 1 \\ 0, & v < 1 \end{cases} ,\quad[\,i\,]=\mathrm A \,\,\,|\,\,\,[\,v\,]=\mathrm V $$
Firstly, I found the Thévenin's equivalent seen by the nonlinear component: $$ \begin{array}{c|c} E_{th}=8\mathrm{V} \quad & \quad R_{th}=1.6\mathrm{\Omega} \end{array} $$ Then, by KVL, we have: $$ \begin{alignat}{1} v &= 8-v_R \\ &= 8-1.6\cdot i \\ &= 8-4.8\cdot (v-3)^2-1.6 \\ &\implies 4.8v^2-27.8v+36.8=0 \end{alignat} $$ Solving the above equation, we have two pairs of possible answers: $$ v_1 \approx 2.0478\mathrm{V} \implies i_1 \approx 3.7201\mathrm{A} \\ v_2 \approx 3.7439\mathrm{V} \implies i_2 \approx 2.6602\mathrm{A} $$ If \$i=0\$ we have \$v=8\$, but \$i=0\$ only if \$v<1\$, so this situation never happens.
Secondly, I was trying to show that superposition is not valid for this circuit. That's when something strange to me happened. If the current source is inactivated, we have the following circuit:
Again, by KVL, we have: $$ \begin{alignat}{1} v &= 3.2-v_R \\ &= 3.2-1.6\cdot i \\ &= 3.2-4.8\cdot (v-3)^2-1.6 \\ &\implies 4.8v^2-27.8v+41.6=0 \end{alignat} $$ Solving this equation, we have the stranger thing: $$ v_1' \approx 2.8958+j0.5299\mathrm{V} \implies i_1' \approx 0.1901-j\,0.3312\mathrm{A} \\ v_2' \approx 2.8958-j0.5299\mathrm{V} \implies i_2' \approx 0.1901+j\,0.3312\mathrm{A} \\ $$
My questions:
What is the interpretation of these complex voltages and currents? How can a steady state DC circuit have complex voltages and currents?
I tried to simulate both circuits in Multisim 14. For the first one, I got only the first pair of results (\$v_1 \approx 2.0478\mathrm{V} \implies i_1 \approx 3.7201\mathrm{A} \$). How would I get the second pair?
Simulating the second circuit I got a simulation error ("Transient time point calculation did not converge. Simulation canceled"). Why did this happen? Why does simply removing the current source causes the simulation to fail? Is there any way to make it work?
Note: For the nonlinear component, I used NON_IDEAL_RESISTOR, the only one with the option "Current = f(voltage)"
Multisim 14 Log
======= SPICE Netlist check completed, 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) =======
Transient time point calculation did not converge
Simulation canceledOutput from instrument analysis
| | Starting dynamic Gmin stepping
| | Dynamic Gmin stepping failed
| | Starting dynamic source stepping
| | Dynamic source stepping failed
| | DC operating point failed. Resimulating with UIC
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint: trouble with node $2
| | Error: doAnalyses: Timestep too small (Transient time point calculation | | not converge)
| | tran simulation(s) canceled (Simulation canceled)