How can I add flash programming capabilities to a custom-design board witg the SAME70 or SAMV71? For example, with the UC3-A3 (AVR32), I just expose TDI, TDO, TCK, TMS, RESET, GND/VDD, and voila: I connect a JTAG programmer and done. This option seems to be unavailable with the SAME70/V71.
What would be the equivalent for these SAM Cortex-M7 microcontrollers? The datasheet is non-explicit at best. I would seem that I need to connect the SWD interface as shown in Figure 60-1 or 60-2 of the SAME70 datasheet. However, every reference to this SWD feature (including the description of the SWD tag in !!) mention debug and test only. The evaluation board uses EDBG via USB, but that does not seem like a viable option for a custom design.
Any tips or pointers will be appreciated!