I have a Nest Thermostat E, which requires me to replace my thermostat with the Nest Heatlink.
Google provides step by step instructions on how to do this using a series of questions and answers. However, I'm struggling with a lack of knowledge.
Does your diagram have any of these labels for the common wire?
- Common
- No exact match
-> No exact match
Does your diagram have any of these labels for the normally open wire?
- NO
- NA
- H ON
- Demand
- Call of heat
- N/O
- On
- No exact match
-> No exact match
The common wire is always connected to one end of your switch...
I identified the brown wire (1) as the Common wire.
When your heating is off, the "normally open" wire is the one that isn't connected to your switch
By my admittedly very limited understanding of this description, this could either be the Grey wire (2) or the Black wire (3)?
The instructions then go on to say wire the Common, and Normally open wires into the Heatlink E, and disconnect all of the others and cap them off.
So at this point i'm left with some questions I'm hoping someone here could please answer for me:
Exactly which wire I should use as the 'normally open' wire?
I recognise the Yellow/Green as earth/ground. Should this really be capped off and not connected?
I like to learn rather than just do, so an explanation on why it may be laid out like it is (Wire's 2 and 3 leading to the same switch).
Here are pictures of the current wiring and the diagram.