I can't find the correct solution for this exercise and I can't figure out why.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
The question is: What is the current \$I_3\$ ? (answer: -2A).
I want to answer to this question using the node potential method. I chose the left -> right and top -> down direction for the current in every component. There are 2 nodes A and B so I can write \$(N-1) = 2-1 = 1\$ equation for the KCL. I chose the equation of B which is also the node set to potential 0 (ground).
\$-I_1 +I_4 +I_3 = 0\$
Note that \$I_1\$ is negative because the current in the voltage source is equal to the current in \$R_1\$ but with opposite direction (respectively top-down and left-right). Then I replace the currents in the equation above with the potentials:
\$-{ {B + E_1 - A} \over R_1 } + {{A - B} \over R_4 } + {{A - E_2 - B} \over R_3}\$
By removing B (=0) and by replacing the resistor and voltage values I obtain:
\$ A/5 + A/5 + A/15 = -90/5 + 100/15 \Rightarrow A = -170/7\$
Unfortunately replacing the variables with the values in \${{A - E_2 - B} \over R_3}\$ doesn't give the correct answer. Why is that ? Where is the error ?