I am fairly new to embedded programming. I bought some Atmega328P U chips (not Atmega328P-PU). I have two Arduino boards and the chips worked just fine, and were letting me upload sketches. One of those chips stopped working while trying to upload bootloader using one Uno board to other.
I bought a usbasp programmer like this one - (https://www.fischl.de/usbasp/bilder/usbasp_kit.jpg) which has two jumpers (it is set to J2). I used ProgISP software from Zhifengsoft, which successfully read my chips. But after clicking 'ERASE', the Atmega chips did read for a few times and then stopped responding at all. Now, everytime I click read (RD) on the software, it says CHIP ENABLE PROGRAM ERROR. However, it successfully reads an Atmega8A chip I have, which suggests something is wrong with only my Atmega328P chips. I do remember the setting 'PROGRAM FUSE' was enabled at time of erase.
- What has gone wrong with them?
- Is there a way to recover them or they are just useless now since software cannot read them anymore?
- Do I need some other programmer and technique to use that I am not aware of?
[UPDATE] I tried using Arduino IDE and Khazama AVR programmer software which give the same error for my Atmega328P chips - "target doesn't answer. initialization failed rc=-1. Flashw riting fail. However, as usual, Atmega8A chip programs just fine.