I am building a circuit that needs to operate on +10V and -10V DC, and of course, a ground connection. It should be good enough to deliver just 1 amp. If I use a 120V to 10V AC transformer along with a bridge rectifier and capacitors, I should expect around +-13V DC. I will then use regulators to get it down to the voltage I need. Here is a quick power supply I threw together.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Now, while this solution does work, I don't want a bulky transformer either internally nor externally of the device. Is there any easier way to do this that would work with either an AC or DC wall-power barrel connector? Or will I have to stick to this circuit to get the -10V? I'll stick close by to answer any questions you may have to help me come up with an ideal solution. Thanks!