I'm creating a 6P20S Li-ion pack from 18650 cells. Here is the design
I am are using 8 by 0.2 mm nickel strips rated for 6.5 A. With 6 parallel branches that's 6*6.5 = around 40 Amps. But since we doubled nickel strips we get 80 A flowing in and out of the battery.
My question is about the current accumulation on each terminal of the battery which contains 6 cells in parallel. I'm thinking that the 80 A current going to the battery cable will have to pass through a single point on the battery which can currently only handle 13 A (1 parallel branch)
So I'm not sure if we should have 6 wires connected to each parallel cell to distribute the current before connecting to the main battery cable. Or could we just triple or quadruple up on the nickel strips at the terminals.