This a general question regarding what should we understand when we see the term "short circuit current" in a given device datasheet. Does it always exactly mean the output current when we short the output to the ground? Or should we look for further explanation in the datasheet?
Here is an example from the datasheet of "AD56x8" digital to analog converter below. AD5628/AD5648/AD5668
It says, the short-circuit current is 30 mA at Vdd = 5 V. I assume, it means that there is an output current protection on the device since it should be way above 30 mA considering the output impedance is 0.5 ohms. Is that a correct assumption? Does this also mean that the maximum current we can draw from the device is 30 mA (there is additional info about the current behaviour in this datasheet, what if there wasn't any)?