I’m looking to build my own high current full bridge rectifier to power electrowinning cells.
I need a DC supply that is adjustable 0 - 5 V, and could supply up to ~50 kA (50 kiloamps.) Obviously this isn’t an off-the-shelf supply, which is why I’d need to construct one myself.
What types of diodes can I use that can handle the extreme currents?
What class of capacitors are capable of handling the high discharge current?
I’ve heard of silicon-controlled rectifiers being used in such applications, which I assume are thyristors. Could anyone give any detail as to why thyristors would be used instead of just regular diodes?
I need some form of surge protection, would spark gaps do the job? Recommendations please.
NOTE: Sorry for the long list of questions, as I do not want to spam the forum with a million different questions on specific problems of a very specific application.