I'm beginning ARM projects with bare metal STM32F051R8 development by CMSIS core in KEIL. Used the following sequence to blink LED:
- Enable Reset and clock register bit (RCC) for the AHB bus controlling the LED port.
- Set the mode register (MODER) for the LED pin as General purpose output mode.
- Set output type register (OTYPER) for LED pin as Output push-pull.
- Set output speed register (OSPEEDR) to normal speed for the LED pin.
- Set the pull up down register as no pull up/ down for LED pin.
- In an infinite loop, set the pin bit to high/ low in the output register (ODR) to blink the LED with a delay in between.
Is the sequence above a standard for ARM Cortex M LED blink regardless of manufacturer? Or each manufacturer has its own sequence?
If it is a standard, it will make switching between manufacturers (ST, NXP, TI, etc) a less daunting task with more complicated projects where you don't have to dig through a gigantic manual.
For example, a protocol like I2C will have the same execution sequence for data transmission regardless of manufacturer, so I thought if ARM is a similar standard for MCU's. Hope I made the question clear.
Waiting to be enlightened!