I'm using NEMA17 17HS13-0404S1 stepper motors with Arduino CNC Shield & A4988 drivers but I think they're much slower than they should be. Hard to explain how slow they are but compared to Ender 3 Pro 3d printer, they move slow. And also I checked some other step motors from Youtube, seems slow compared to them too.
Here you can find the data of my stepper motor: https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/nema-17-bipolar-1-8deg-26ncm-36-8oz-in-0-4a-12v-42x42x34mm-4-wires.html
I set A4988 Vref to 0.30V (calculated is 0.32 but for 10% margin recommendation, I set it to 0.30) and I'm using 1/16 microstepping.
As power supply, I use 24V, 4.5A power supply and connected it to CNC shield directly (which powers A4988s)
What might be wrong about my stepper motors?