On first thought, it does sound like the car setup is interfering. However, you can NOT say for sure if you haven't tested your "car-based" setup outside the car. Also, we do not have enough information in hand regarding the complete car setup (eg. all the devices connected to 24V and near the Jetson board) but don't despair and go through the following troubleshooting steps to determine a potential interference source yourself (it might be a long process but there is no other way).
In what follows, I am assuming that you are using a unique and fully functional video recorder that you have tested on your good Jetson lab setup, for any test on the bench and in the car.
Verify the Car-based Jetson setup in the lab
Take it out completely from the car and plug it to a 5V power wall supply in your lab. Is it working as expected?
If not, you want to identify the "bad" component: is it the camera, is it the Jetson board or is it the cable between the two? To do so, swap the two cameras along with the ribbon cable between the "car-based" and the "good working" setup and test again, does it follow the board or the camera?
If it follows the camera + ribbon cable, swap the two ribbon cables. Does it follow the camera or the cable?
Verify the 5V DC-DC converter in the lab
If you encountered no issue with the previous step, take the 5V DC-DC converter out of the car and plug it in a 24V power wall supply. Plug the "car-based" Jetson setup to the converter and test again. Is it working as expected?
If not, you may want to look at why is the 5V DC-DC converter interfering with your setup.
- If you have a second DC-DC converter, swap it. Does it give you a better result?
- Are the Jetson and DC-DC converter well-grounded together?
- Any noticeable spikes on the output?
Identify the interference source in the car
You have verified that your "car-based" setup is working great out of the car, this is already great news!
Install it back in the car for the next step.
Now comes the hardest part which is to identify the noise source in the car. For this, you'll need to be able to turn ON and OFF (or plug to/unplug from power), one by one, all the possible devices connected to the 24V power feed and any device in proximity of the Jetson, camera and 5V DC-DC converter.
Hopefully, when a device is off, you'll notice an improvement or degradation. Note this down and report it here, so we can try to help you further. Keep-on going with turning off devices one by one, you may observe more interesting results.
It could definitely be more than one device, so each time you are turning one device off and re-testing your setup, make sure to note any change in the camera stream visual. If you see a noticeable change but not the stream is still not completely fixed, keep that device off and keep-on going.
If despite all your efforts you cannot identify an interference source in the car, you're not in luck! At that point, it could well be the "car-based" setup (5V DC-DC + Jetson + Camera) misbehaving in the car despite working fine on a bench-top supply. This is good, you have still isolated the issue to this part of the system only.
If you have identified the source and your stream is now completely fixed, then bravo you know who the intruder is! At that point, we can review how could this device interfere with your Jetson setup, you'll have to send us more information about that device :)
Identify Car-based setup issue in the car
This may be the reason you came in the first place but until you haven't gone through the previous steps, there is no reason to land here right away.
Here are general things to look for:
- Is the Jetson setup mounted in an electrically isolated enclosure (besides the camera lens)? If not, can you source a metal enclosure to test?
- Does the mounting orientation matter? (eg. vertically versus horizontally)
- Are all the cables involved in the setup in good condition? Have they been tested in the lab too? If not, take them to the lab and test them.
- Is there any (even tiny) flakiness in any of the connectors involved in the setup?
- Is the setup temperature-dependent? (eg. is the car ambient temperature warmer or colder than the lab)
- Are there any other environmental condition change between the lab and the car?
In none of those are leading you to the issue, at that point, I would look towards the video recorder device. Go back over the previous step, what's there something different compared to the lab setup that could affect the video recorder?
Good luck!