I am using this TI LED Driver IC to drive 9 LEDs
I want to calculate the Power Dissipation of the Resistor (20k 1% 0402) which I have connected to the IREF pin.
To calculate the power dissipation of that resistor, I am using ((V^2)/R) formula, where I am taking V in the range given in that datasheet as (1.204V to 1.254V) - Referring 6.5 section, page 5. Am I correct? And is the current through the 20k resistor sourced from the Vcc supply or from where?
Also I am trying to calculate the overall power dissipation and the Junction temperature of the IC.
Since TLC6C5712-Q1 does not have internal MOSFETs, how to calculate the power dissipation of the IC.
Can someone help me how this LED Driver IC internal architecture is different from LED Driver IC which has internal MOSFETs.