From the datasheet of 2SC1384 I got the following characteristics. I plan to use this transistor in an RF amplifier.
The power dissipation characteristic sets a limit on the dissipated power of the device of 1 W at 25 degrees ambient temperature for the TO92 package. The other characteristic shows the collector emitter voltage and collector current for different values of base current. For example, the curve for Ib=10mA shows Ic=800mA for Vce=5V. For this condition the power dissipated by the device is 4W, which is obviously in excess of the 1W limit.
I planned to draw a load line on the characteric and noticed the power dissipated in the device is very high according to these curves. I draw the maximum power dissipation hyperbola in the characteristic (not shown on screen), which makes the better part of the characteristic look unusable.
My question is how these two seemingly contradicting characteristics can be reconciled. How can the manufacturer even measure the properties of this transistor well above it's maximum ratings?