Everything seems to indicate that I fried my raspberry pi: the green light wouldn't turn on, I changed the SD card for a new one but it still didn't work. That is a shame because I was having a lot of fun! So I will definitely get another one, but I really would like to understand how it happened first (so I don't make the same mistake again.)
My understanding is that there are 2 main ways of frying it:
- Using it to power something that requires too much energy (like a motor.)
- Input more voltage than it can handle to one of its pins.
I have always been aware of that and always tried to be very careful with both things, always double checking and such.
When my Raspberry Pi stopped working I was trying to get this to work:
Before running anything I triple checked the whole connection (which is very simple but I still checked wire by wire more than once) and I'm 100% sure that the ground and the 3 pins (23, 24, 25) were connected correctly.
When it stopped working I had the circuit connected but I wasn't running any code (I did it a few times before it) the code also only has outputs:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep
in1 = 24
in2 = 23
en = 25
In that scenario, what kind of mistake could I have made to have my Raspberry Pi stop working?
I did play with the L298N quite a lot to get to understand it, at some point I even put 24V into it (but when it stopped working I had that aforementioned exact configuration.) Still, can you blow up a Raspberry Pi with everything connected as "output?"
My understanding is that the voltage would never "go in."
Could you guys advise if there are more common "blow up" scenarios that I didn't mention?
To add more clarity based on comments:
- I was following this tutorial
- I see people asking why nothing is connected to the +5V of the L298N. My understanding is that the orange wire of the image (connected to the pin 25 on the Raspberry Pi and the "Enable A" of the L298N) would make that unnecessary. In any case I was just following the instructions of the aforementioned tutorial. Could someone clarify where would that +5v be connected and why wouldn't it be mentioned/used in there if it is necessary?
- I bought my L298N on Amazon.
I have a Raspberry Pi 4 arriving today and would hate to be in the same situation (I sure cannot afford this hobby if I keep breaking them) so I'm reading every comment and suggestion with huge interest.