I read some questions on this form regarding bootstrap capacitor e.g.: Bootstrap capacitor - Explanation and this Boost capacitor sizing, gate driver LM5106 used with N-MOSFET IPP075N15N3 G
the second one is a bit helpful but they are basing the cap size based on Qg but not showing any calculations. The mosfet I am using is IRF1405 and datasheet shows Qg:
The driver I am using is HIP4081. I read the application notes for the driver and on page 6 has a formula for Cbootstrap:
and at the end the formula boils down to this (we can ignore the marked term):
assuming bootstrap cap voltage difference is 1 **QRR** = 12.5nC. Then QBS = 260 + 12.5 = 272.5nC or 0.27uC.
should I go with 0.33 uC or 0.22 uC?