I dig up on WiFi antennas. What researchers design on their articles looks complex PIFAs, however, this's from Iphone 6. It just looks a rectangular patch to me. I m not sure, what kind of antenna is that ?
Thanks in advance
I dig up on WiFi antennas. What researchers design on their articles looks complex PIFAs, however, this's from Iphone 6. It just looks a rectangular patch to me. I m not sure, what kind of antenna is that ?
Thanks in advance
I don't think this actually is just an antenna, looks more like a composite device made of multiple things.
As explained in my last answer, antennas in phones are the results of long optimization, simulation, optimization, new constraints, … cycles. You won't see a "pure-bred" PIFA, dipole, … in the wild; these antennas are typically a mix of a lot of things, due to the trade-offs they make.