Actually I'm using a simply switching buck regulator that perform a 24v to 12v convention. I'd like to add isolation between power source and regulator. I've checked already all-in-one isolating DC-DC converters, but they are expensive and have low current supply (about 200mA , actually I've 800mA-1.0A peaks) with low input range, where at about 26V they fries.
Another application that I've found are DCM Fly Back ICs coupled with common inductors. Like LT8301/2, but they are also very expensive ICs with also 400mA limitation at 12V.
Are there inexpensive solutions to add an isolation between DC power supply source and my DC regulator?
Is it possible, something simple, like to put a 1:1 DC:DC coupled inductor between 24V and DC buck regulator?