I'm building a circuit at the moment which involves switching a 500ma load from a microcontroller to balance a bank of batteries. This circuit runs at 12V nominal. I've built a PCB with 1210 chip resistors in a 4S8P type configuration (32 resistors) each running 51ohm for an overall resistance of 25.5ohm.
I've selected 32 Panasonic ERJ14 1210 1/2W resistors which should be dissipating around 180mw each, however these chips are very quickly getting very hot, measured in at over 120˚C in a 20˚C room. The data sheet lacks ambient temperature delta / load data so my question is, how does one determine the temperature rise for a particular chip resistor? And less directly, what are the physical limitations to heat rise from dissipating a certain amount of energy? In this example, how hot is a particular surface area going to get to dissipate 6W?