I want to understand the below circuit which is supposed to detect voltage if it goes beyond a certain limit.
The Input voltage is between 15V-30V. The circuit means to detect if the voltage increases beyond 36V.
Datasheet of D1 36V Zener Diode - MMBZ5258
Datasheet of D2 6.2V Zener Diode - BZX84
Datasheet of Q1 PNP -BC807
I tried to simulate the above circuit, but I am getting some transient error which I was not able to solve.
The Anode of the 6.2V Zener diode is further connected to the Gate of P-MOS. P-MOS source connected Zener cathode and Drain connected to ground via 2x 47nF capacitors. (I ignored the MOSFET circuit because, I wanted only to understand this section of the circuit which proved to be confusing. If I could I understand this section, I would easily understand the MOSFET part.)
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
My Questions, What I tried to understand, but I couldn't :
Why do we have resistors connected to the anode and cathode of the Zener diode? What purpose do the top and bottom resistor serve.
The datasheet sheet of D1 36V Zener diode has three columns . Izt1. Izt2 and Ir. I understand Zener diode will go to the breakdown region only when it crosses the breakdown voltage at its cathode and also it must have the required reverse current. But in the datasheet there are two test current column and one reverse current column. Why is that?
In the same Zener datasheet. it is mentioned V=27V and Ir=0.1uA at Vr. What does it mean? Does the Zener clamp at 27V itself or does it start taking the reverse current of 0.1uA when the voltage at its cathode exceeds 27V?
Can someone brief me the overall working of this circuit when the voltage is between 15V to 30V and when it exceeds more than 36V?
I tried to understand the circuit through simulations, but I am not able to get it clear.
My Efforts:
Tried below simulation tool too.