I'm working on a project using a couple of CD4017 decade counter chips sharing a clock signal from a 555 oscillator.
The ideal behavior I would expect is that the chips would all start on count 0 when given power. They do this most of the time but sometimes they start on a completely random count and the synchronization between the chips is thrown off. I've tried to get around this by putting a capacitor on the reset pin of the 555 and the enable pins of CD4017s like so. This adds a small lag between the 555 clock being enabled when the device receives power, and a small lag for the CD4017 clock inputs being enabled.
However, the CD4017s still start on a random count occasionally when given power. Is there any standard, cleanish method I can use to assure they all power on to count 0?
I'm sure I could figure out something hacky with the but I'm trying to keep a low part count.