I want to create an XLR inline power switch (with indicator) so that I can turn my phantom powered microphone on and off as I please!
I have found a few guides online that explain how to create a mute switch, but I'm not sure that will work for what I require.
I've read that an XLR cable has 3 pins, and that you run all of the pins to themselves, 1 - 1, 2 - 2 and 3 - 3 and then you mute the microphone by making a connection between pin 2 and 3, and this shorts the microphone and disables the audio. So this means that when the switch is on, the microphone would be muted.
I want to add one of these these inline to the XLR cable and how I want it to work is that when the switch is on, the microphone and LED on the switch are both on, then when you switch it off, they both turn off.
How would I go about wiring the switch so that when it's in the on position, pin 2 and 3 are disconnected, and then when I switch it off, pins 2 and 3 connect and it shorts the microphone and turns it off?
I'm an absolute novice at electronics, I've learned everything above from researching so absolutely any help would be appreciated!