I am trying to understand the operation of a Serial Bus protocol converter chip. It connects with the serial bus on one side and on the other side it provides its data on the MCU host interface.
Inside the chip it holds the data in its RAM buffers. There are 4 types of configurable RAM buffers in it. Their brief description is as shown in the following image.
My understanding of a buffer is like its a data array with start, end, and current pointers. I have read details of the above four data buffer methods many times but so far I could not understand them at the fundamental level of operation.
The fundamental question that I want to understand is that how would I know which method out of these four I should use in a certain scenario? Are their different data scenarios for which one buffer method is more suitable than the other? What can be those data scenarios on the bus?
So far I could think of like periodic data, random or interrupt based data, short data chunks after long intervals, or long data chunks repeating back to back etc.
Can someone clarify when to use these four data buffer methods?