I am trying to build a simple LED blinker as a nightlight for my son's bedroom, based on this circuit.
But my knowledge of electronics is basic at best. This circuit has a 10k pot that was supposed to control the blinking speed, but for some reason I don't understand it has to go to 0 to start the blinking. After that, I can turn it to the maximum value to get the slow steady fading I wanted.
But I don't want to have to turn a potentiometer manually every time the circuit starts. I'm sure there's a way to make this happen automatically using a capacitor somewhere, but as I said I'm not good enough to figure that out by myself.
Edit to add: Tried changing one of the 10k resistors (I actually put a potentiometer there to try several different resistances) but didn't work. I also tried changing one of the capacitors by a 33uF one, and then a 470uF one. The circuit simply doesn't start if I don't turn VR1 to 0.
Edit 2: I didn't have access to the CS9013 transistors, so I used a S9014 instead( the datasheets seemed similar enough for me) Also, for testing purposes I'm using a 9V power source instead of a battery.