I'm working on a circuit where a 3.3v flash memory, which comunicate with SPI protocol, has to be interfaced to an 8-bit PIC microcontroller working at 5v. For the MISO signal there should not be any problem, but for MOSI, SCK and CS there are. So the solution i came across is a voltage divider. I've done this calculations but don't know if they are ok. _ First of all, i've calculated r1 in this way: (5-3.3)/0.001=1700 ohm _ Then i've resolved the equation Vout = Vin * (r2 / (r1+r2)) 3.3 = 5 * (r2/(1700+r2)) ...resolving the equation in order to find r2...
r2=3300 ohm. Is that correct? i have not any tester and i have just one flash memory. i don't want to fry it... Is the method i've used proper (first determinate r1 with the current and then find r2)? Thank you very very much. Greetings from Italy.