After attempting to use a power inserted for the OTA antenna I discovered an unexpected problem. The inserter is powered by an UnGrounded Ac/DC adapter (Wal-wart as they are often called). All worked fine until I connected the coax and discovered that the device will stay powered on even when the negative is disconnected from the AC/DC adapter.
After much trial and error I discovered that the mysterious ground / negative was going through the coax cable to the PVR and TV, then through RCA, HDMI, and coax between the PVR, TV, and DirecTv receiver. Only once was each device fully unplugged from one another would the inserter power off without any/ issues.
After more headache I figured out this was occurring because the DirecTv dish and OTA antenna are sharing the same grounding Stake outside. After disconnecting one of the grounds from the stake the problem disappeared.
Attached are diagrams of the configurations for clarity. I am extremely confused on how this is working. My knowledge of DC power is that both the positive and negative must be directly connected in order for the circuit to be completed. In my scenario only the positive needs to be connected and the circuit works. At first I believed the earth ground on each power supply was causing the issue, but nothing has a ground plug besides the PVR. All devices with TV 2 have no ground and have been eliminated as a potential issue.
Any insight on what could be happening and how is appreciated! This problem has truly piqued my curiosity!