I would like to design a circuit around the W7002 antenna (Dataheet) and the NXP PN532 NFC Reader Chip. Since I never worked with antenna design before I do not have a VNA and I also don't have experience in antenna matching. The goal is to get an antenna which is able to read desfire tags through a plastic cover at around 7cm distance. Even a shorter distance like 4cm would be fine, but generally a longer distance is better. Fortunately for the antenna I want to use there are many values already provided in the datasheet so it shouldn't be that difficult to calculate the necessary values. I tried to use Adafruit's circuit as a "template" and I understand that I need to adjust C1, C2, C7 and C8. The damping resistors R3 and R4 might need to be changed aswell and lowered a little (to 1 Ohm each). What would be a good starting point to get the correct values for those Capacitors? I assume once I have a general idea I can try increasing/decrasing the values on a prototype and see if that increases or decreases the range? Also I am not sure what the purpose of C5, C6, C9 and C10 is, those are labeled "NC" so are these non-existent in this case?
Would I contact the antenna manufacturer or NXP as the chip manufacturer in this case for further assistance?