I'm working on restoring an HP 211A square-wave generator and I'm looking to add a shielded cable to the 600 ohm output. I've got some spare 75 ohm RG59 cabling and I was wanting to know if using that would have any detrimental effects on the output such as signal loss due to the impedance mismatching. The length of cable will be 10" - 12", the output will be between 1Hz and 1MHz and mostly used on loads like oscilloscopes and maybe stereo receivers.
To clarify, the RG59 cabling would run from the V10 and V11 plates to the wiper on R71, and then another cable from the non-grounded pin of R71 to the output screw post. I'd likely use 75 ohm cabling to run to any devices on the output though anyways.
Thank you.