I'm a computer science student and I'm eager to expand my knowledge on embedded programming and electrical engineering.
I've read here that using tools like the Arduino microcontroller is a good way to start.
I'm primarily a Java and Python programmer but have some experience in C++. Furthermore I have toyed with ArchLinux.
A small project I'd like to do is controlling some lightbulbs via Wi-Fi over my Arduino/Pi.
From what I've read both the Pi and Arduino are intended for students but I can't figure out which is more suitable for someone like me who wants to understand how computers work on the low level.
As a beginner I will run into many questions, so a big and helpful community (which I hear the Pi has) is a big plus.
So which one is more suitable for a self-teaching beginner: Arduino or Raspberry Pi?
Thanks in advance.
From your many great answers and also these worthwile articles I came to the following
I choose Arduino as an entry point to embedded programming because it is a simpler system than the Pi and lets me work closer to the metal more easily.
There is value in going deeper: I might study AVR or mbed microcontrollers at a later time to learn more about the low level details of computing.
Both devices allow me to program without an operating system, which is what I want (at first).
I also found projects that use one Pi to control an Arduino. I find this intriguing as both devices are quite affordable and I like to use the power of Linux that can run on the Pi.
Additionally I've found this book that should help me to learn more about electrical engineering while experimenting with Arduino.
It seems difficult to do my lightbulb project with the Arduino. But that's ok. I'm sure I can think of other motivating projects or get inspiration here or here.
Thank you all for your answers.