I would like to know if I can replace a safety Y2 capacitor (222m 300V - which is a 2.2nf-)with a safety X2 capacitor temporarily. I'm in a hurry and I already ordered the replacement part but while I'm waiting I would like to know what do I have in my hands to keep the device working. My device has 220V input and 12V5A output.
I read here that :
A Y2 capacitor can safely be used in place of an X2 capacitor, but an X2 capacitor should not be used in place of a Y2 capacitor. This is because, although an X2-type capacitor would work and filter noise sufficiently, it would not meet the line-to-ground safety standards. Y2 safety capacitors are more robust, are able to withstand higher peak impulse voltages, and are designed to fail open as opposed to failing short
But as I said it's for a very short period of time (like a 3 weeks or so)
Or maybe another idea ? Classic 1KV ceramic capacitor maybe can do the work ? Thanks
The problem seems to be somwhere else I will open a new topic. Thanks !