so I have created a PCB with a lot of components on it, its a rather large PCB, roughly 18cm x 19 cm. A lot of the components' datasheets (things like Resistors, Switches, capacitors, relays, CAN controller/ transceiver) don't mention the thermal resistance of the components, nor does it include the power dissipation. Does anyone have suggestions to work around this? or generalizations / rules to estimate how much a PCB will heat up.
If it helps, some more information about my board, Board lays horizontally, 1.6mm FR4 board
3oz/ft^2 thickness, 2 traces run 30A, 3 traces run 15A and 6 traces run 10A. They just run to a connector going off the board, only running through current sensor and relay. But I am more interested for learning purposes, how thermal changed can be estimated with limited data?Also, do diodes heat up a lot typically and is it a concern for board temperature? because I have 9 small diodes it says their Thermal resistance is like 1000C/W 100mW dissipation